No matter whether you are an owner or a renter before you are renting an apartment, room, car, or any other property that you can imagine and rent, or if you are a tenant; there are a few things that you should know before signing a rental agreement. Use this article as a guide to help you make the right decision.
Before the rental period starts it would be wisest to prepare an initial condition report. You can call it initial status, entry condition, or check-in report. The initial condition report aims to record the condition of the property before the rental period starts. Filling this report properly and including photos/videos will avoid future problems, especially in the cases of getting the deposit back or being left with huge damage on the property.
For example: at the end of the tenancy, the property manager wants to claim part of the deposit for damages on the walls. The tenant shows the damages were listed on the Initial condition report and provides photos with the time stamps to dispute the claim. No money is deducted from the deposit.
Alright, you signed the rental agreement and the period came to an end. Now it is time to do a final status examination. The report after the rental period ends shows the condition of the property and any inclusions when the tenant leaves. This part of the agreement is important for finalizing the deal and giving or receiving the deposit back. If necessary, the final and initial condition reports are compared to each other to determine if the property is in the same condition as when the property was in the first place, apart from fair wear and tear. It is also strongly recommended to take photos and mark the damages on the photos as further evidence.
Two-way documents allow you to create one PDF document out of two documents at different time points as start and finish. First, record the details regarding your assets before you rent or lend them to someone. When the agreed time is over, look over the asset as a continued part of the document. Finally, you can compare two statuses of the asset in terms of damages, changes, or other differences over time.
Using this feature in Inspakt allows you to compare differences and archive in one document. It is best to use Two-way documents feature in Check-in Check-out Reports, Move-in/Move-out Reports, Car Rental Agreement or General Damage Reports.
A handy guide to make sure your property is ready for rental agreement in Inpsakt: